Wayne State University supports DPS Volunteer Reading Corps

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The DPS Volunteer Reading Corps program was launched with the goal of ensuring that every child is reading competently by the end of grade 3 in the Detroit Public Schools. Wayne State University has become a corporate partner in the Reading Corps initiative, and has committed to 1,000 hour of volunteer tutoring for pre-K students. We need your help. Please volunteer, and give the gift of reading to a child.

Your commitment: Initially, the program requests that you spend one hour per week for five weeks or longer, where you will tutor two pre-K children for 30 minutes each. Depending on how quickly the program is up and running, more sessions will be added this year. Ideally, the tutors will continue to work with these same students through the third grade, donating one hour per week during the school year over five years-from pre-K through third grade.

Five easy steps to become a Reading Corps volunteer:

  1. Sign up to participate: Please add yourself to Wayne State's list of volunteers by filling out the form below. When that is done please click on the DPS link to register.
  2. Complete a mandatory background check: These will be provided free of charge by the DPS, and will include fingerprinting and a photo ID. You will need to complete the Michigan Fingerprint Application Information Form online at: http://secure.detroitk12.org/readingcorps/fingerprintform. More information on background checks, including timing and location, will be posted on the DPS Reading Corps Web site.
  3. Complete training: We will be arranging training sessions on campus. Please check back.
  4. Sign a commitment form: This form includes your contact information as well as your school choice selection. Wayne State has four schools in close proximity to campus: Spain, Loving, Golightly and Edmonson. We encourage you to volunteer at these schools, or at other Detroit schools that have the most urgent need, but feel to choose the school(s) that best suit your needs.
  5. Once your background check is completed, you will be notified by DPS regarding when you may visit your assigned school to pick up your ID badge and work with the school to schedule your tutoring sessions.

Frequently Asked Questions

DPS Reading Corps Initiative Guidelines